The legendary stream state, crazy efficiency, creative solution of any tasks and admiration for others. All this can become a reality in a couple of months if you begin to master the art of concentration of attention. About how to comprehend this skill, says an expert on time management Anna All Sosovytskaya.
What do I mean when talking about concentration? I propose to divide the term 2 branches for convenience:
- Macro -concentration — global focus of your life.
- Micro -concentration — the ability to focus at a particular moment on the current task.
It is traditionally believed that working with a concentration of attention means to put timers like pomodoro, work in solitude, meditate, and so on. It’s all good, but I offer an alternative, deeper look at the question. I will show with examples what macro concentration is.
Let’s start with the anti -3rd. Often, girls who rush from project to project come to me, not achieving success in any of them. We will conventionally imagine a young girl who wants to become a business woman. She thinks over one startup, then switches to another, then she gets married and decides that she wants a quiet family life. Sets a new task number 1 — become a supermam. But the routine gets bored with, and she wants to spend more time on herself (training, care, health, development). Then he seeks to realize himself again, finds a job, in the end she does not have enough time for her family, for herself. And so in a circle.
This is some kind of eternal tornado of desires imposed from the outside (it is fashionable to be an entrepreneur), obligations (a woman should be an ideal mother) and personal values (I want to be a healthy and developed personality).
The macro -concentration lies in the fact that we can consciously choose several general directions that are important, systematically adhere to and implement them until they fully satisfy us.
With the help of our conditional heroine, consider a good example. She consciously makes a choice that for the next 3 years the main directions in her life is the creation of her business/career, development and freedom. Когда она сосредотачивается на конкретных задачах, ставит цели, расписывает план и следует ему, на 100% приходит к успеху в этих сферах.